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This is a really wonderful plugin! The inclusion of that editor is A+ effort and makes it so much more effective than others I've tried. I saw you're working on making versions of this for other menus, and I can't wait to see them after using this one.

I think the only thing I would love to have right now that I don't: a way to make the option which sets the number of columns to be the same as the number of actors in party also adjust the width of the actor window. I'm using the override window size options, so I would need a way to make it a static value that it adds/removes width by. My game mostly only has 2 party members, but you occasionally get a third, so I would love to be able to get rid of that extra unused space most of the time.

doesnt seem to work for me 

You get an error message? A screenshot? Come on, I cannot help you when you don't tell me what's exactly is not working in your project.

When do you think this could be available for MV? Also, could you add a feature that allows you to set the maximum HP visible as well as the current HP? And maybe an option to remove gauges entirely or at least make them invisible?

Yes,  displaying HP/MP/TP as text has already been suggested a few times and is already in the making.

An MV version may come eventually, or not - I tried to make a decent MV patch (you can see my attempts in the code), but the code structures of MZ/MV have so many tiny differences that, in MV, my plugin has a much higher risk of breaking your game when it has other plugins.

Deleted 10 days ago
Deleted 10 days ago

Thank you so much for this wonderful plugin!

I always wanted to set up a menu for my game, but doing it blindly was very difficult. A great tool that helps me a lot in my work in the maker.

For me this is the best plugin for working with menus!

Would love to try this, but I get the TypeError 'this.testHieght' is not a function when attempting to open the menu.

Sorry to hear.

Can you please do the following?

  • When you see this error message, press F12 to open the debug console
  • IMPORTANT: Go to "Console" tab, not the "Welcome" or "Elements" tab
  • Screenshot this dialog so I can see all the error messages that were caused

Additionally, try disabling all other plugins and starting my plugin again. Maybe there's an incompatibility with another plugin because neither "testHieght" nor "testHeight" is part of my code nor the RPG Maker's core code.

Sure. This is what the error message looks like. Also, before sending this, I did try your suggestion and disabling plugins, to the point that I disabled ALL of them to see if it would work, and I still ended up getting an error message.

Can you please try my plugin in a fresh new project?

From the screenshot, it looks like my plugin is not yet compatible with LL_MenuScreenCustom and/or NUUN_GaugeValueAnimation.

Unfortunately, I cannot find LL_MenuScreenCustom to inspect its code.

Trying it in a fresh new project does make it work. As I mentioned before, when I disable all of my plugins, this is the message I get. I apologize if I wasn't clear on that. If you like, I can give you a copy of the two plugins that caused an issue in the previous message.

Well, the error is the same, but the trace (the lines of code) are now different. Interesting. Thanks for the screenshot.

Yeah you can send me the 2 plugins via thank you

It's a Japanese plugin


Thanks Aqua!

We already found out, the actual problem was that OP used an older core version. My plugin will now check for the version of the core code and prompt the player to update it when it's not up to date.

Looooooove it, are you thinking to create more like this for the others menus? Like save menu, equipment or others. I will definitely recommend this to each game developer. 🤩 


Yes, the Item Scene is already in development. It will contain features such as move or skip category selection, a custom description window to replace the small help window, and a grid instead of the list view.

(5 edits)

Honestly a great plugin! I love how you can COMPLETELY BLANK OUT the gauges for good. <3 Would it be possible to add a TEXT SIZE for HP/MP as well? Seems to be the only parameter where its not possible for the main menu. Found a bug: When using the formation menu, and swapping positions, the characters's portraits gets hard-printed into the menu (until refreshed by going into another sub-menu like "EQUIP" for example). EDIT: I cant seem to replicate it anymore. 

Side ask: Would it be possible to have numerical values shown, as an option, for HP and MP in the main menus - and if so, to have it re-aligned with the HP and MP letters as well? 🦇 Thanks. If not doable, its fine - I got a plugin for that (minus alignment).


Yes, I can do that!

First, fantastic plugin! Second, quick question: Is it at all possible to change the layout configuration mid-game using plugin commands? As in going from one premade layout to another?

No that's not possible. Why do you need to do that? Maybe I can add such feature but then I need to understand better what you're picturing for your game.

Basically, in my game I'm featuring different presentations (like going from modern to16-bit and back again) and I'd like to change things around visually for the menu per each different presentation. I figured it wouldn't be possible, but I figured why not ask? Anyway, thanks for the plugin! :)

(1 edit) (+1)

This will be incredibly helpful, I always spend way too much time trying to make menues look unique but my lacking knowledge in coding and such makes it such a struggle.

 Damn, this is so many plugins put into one o.O


This is amazing as always Aerosys! Thank you !!

I found a small issue, but I'm not sure if it's from your plugin or something else; though, it clears up when turning off your plugin. When going to a shop, the map name shows up next to the gold:

Thanks for your report. True, the problem is very likely in my code, and I will fix it as soon as possible!


This is amazing, thank you so much! Works fantastic, super easy to figure out and everything.

Just a couple questions: Is there a way to show the current playtime along with the map and currency, and if so, how? If not, is that a feature you might be willing to add? I understand it's a free plugin, and may not be something you wish to prioritize, and that's fine!

Other question; how would I get the custom character portrait (in this case a vertical full body image) to show in the Status screen? There doesn't seem to be ways to customize anything but the initial menu. Although, I do use VS Core, and I've got your plugin at the bottom of the list where I should hope it's overriding everything, but I know some settings will still fudge each other.


Playtime is not supported right now, but I can add it as an update as an extra command like \MN; it should not be too difficult.

Yes, right now, it only lets you manipulate the main menu and some global settings, such as Left/Right input for example. I can't say for now if custom portraits for other menus will be supported soon; I like your suggestion, but it might be more complex than adding the playtime, for example.

Understood! Thank you, and I appreciate your quick response.


You're handing out this glorious gift to us peasants for free?!?! thank you my lord!!!


This plugin is really amazing! Like your other plugins, it is very useful and easy to learn. Thanks for sharing this awesome plugin! :D